Bluesky Feed Creator

Auto Moderator

The Auto Moderator allows you to write custom rules that are run when a post is captured in your feed.
We've collated below some useful information about how to use the tool. But the best way for you to familiarise yourself and get comfortable with it, is just to try it out. Give your Auto Moderator some simple rules to begin with and see how it looks. Then, you can start to get more creative as you learn.


Syntax is a term referring to the structure of code.
An Auto Moderator rule is created using a block of YAML code with a fixed structure. In order to work, each rule needs to contain the properties name, conditions, and an event.

When you make a new rule, you give it a name. Then, you set some conditions to outline what situations it applies to. The event is the action the rule takes.

Sample Block

This is a sample block of YAML creating an example rule.

  - name: Cat text posts
        - fact: post_text
          operator: includes
          value: cat
      type: log

This code creates a rule called Cat text posts. The conditions block (which means the text underneath Conditions) outlines that the rule applies to all text posts that include the word 'cat'. The event block instructs the rule to log that each relevant post was posted.

Properties Glossary

Below are all of the properties which Auto Moderator can currently use to moderate.


The full list of available operators is:

Example Rules

Here are some more examples of how you might define rules using the Auto Moderator:

Example 1: Logging All Posts

This rule logs every post that comes through the feed.
The line with the # sign at the front is a comment. It doesn't affect how the code runs but is included so that you can keep track of what your rules are without having to think too much about the code itself. You don't have to put them in if you don't want to!

  #This is a rule that will match any post captured, and then log that post. All posts have an id greater than 1.
  - name: Log All Posts
        - fact: id
          operator: greaterThan
          value: 1
      type: log

Example 2: Remove Offensive Content

This rule removes posts that contain specific words (dog and fish, for the purposes of our example, but you can set whichever words you like).

  # Match any post that includes either "dog" or "fish" as whole words.
  # Uses the same logic as capturing feeds.
  - name: Remove Dog and Fish
        - fact: post_text
          operator: includes
           - dog
           - fish
      type: remove

Example 3: Require Approval for External Links

This rule requires manual approval for posts that contain external links. We've done this by setting up a condition where the action is triggered by a post containing 'http' which is typically in a URL. The embedded_link fact refers to a Bluesky link card.

  # Match any post that has a link card
  # Assuming all links will contain http
  - name: Require Approval for External Links
        - fact: embedded_link
          operator: contains
          value: http
      type: require-approval

Example 4: Automatically approve certain posts

This rule automatically approves posts if they include certain words. For example, if this feed were capturing posts about "dahlia" and "dahlias", then we might want to automatically approve a post if it also contains any common gardening terms.

  - name: Auto Approve
        - fact: post_text
          operator: includes
            - garden*
            - flower
            - seed*
            - plant*
            - grass
            - bloom*
      type: approve

Example 5: Hiding replies from specific users

This rule will automatically hide posts that are Replies, if the person who is replying is a specific user. This might be useful if your feed captures all their posts normally, but you only want to show their Original and Quote posts.

    - name: Hide replies by specific users
            - fact: post_author_handle
              operator: in

            - fact: reply_parent
              operator: includes
              value: "*"
        type: hide

Other Facts and Examples

A fact is a piece of information about a post which your Auto Moderator rule looks at to determine whether a condition is met.

  #This is a rule that will match any post captured, and then log that post. All posts have an id greater than 1.
  - name: Log All Posts
        - fact: id
          operator: greaterThan
          value: 1
      type: log

You can start to see all available facts by creating a logging rule such as the one above. In fact, you can copy and paste the block above to start logging all the posts that come through your feed.
As posts come through the feed, they will appear in the Auto Moderator logs with a detailed record of all available facts.

In addition to this, there are a few more special facts that you can take advantage of:

fact: quoted_post

fact: quoted_post will download the post that is being quoted by your captured post (the one that comes into your feed).

From there, you can access all the same facts as a regular post, if you use the path: option. In the example below, we using the path $.post_author_handle to check if the author of the quoted post is The Auto Moderator will therefore log posts where is the original author and someone else has quoted the post.

- name: Quoted Post Author
      - fact: quoted_post
        path: $.post_author_handle
        operator: equal
    type: log

fact: replied_parent_post

fact: replied_parent_post looks at a post which has been replied to and logs relevant replies. In the example below, the Auto Moderator will log all replies to posts by Fyodork.

- name: Fyodork Posts with Replies
      - fact: replied_parent_post
        path: $.post_author_handle
        operator: equal
    type: log

fact: replied_root_post

fact: replied_root_post will look at the top most parent of a post that is in a reply thread. If a down thread reply has been captured by your feed, the Auto Moderator will log the captured post, and look at the original (root) post at the top of the thread. For example, you might want to run a rule which acts on that root post based on how many likes it has.

In the example below, replies that have been captured in the feed will be logged if there are more than 4 likes on the root post at the time of capture.

- name: Parent Posts Likes
      - fact: replied_root_post
        path: $.raw_post_view.likeCount
        operator: greaterThan
        value: 4
    type: log

fact: rate_limit_posts

fact: rate_limit_posts will look at how many posts have been captured by your feed over a given period of time and take action based on the number. You can set a value of your choosing, which the rule will work off.

This rule makes use of the special rate_limit_posts fact, which counts how many posts have been captured either per feed or per author within a certain time frame (which can be defined as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years). You can then use this number to test if your rate limit exceeds a set amount (e.g. 2 posts) and take action if it does.

In the example below, posts will be rate limited i.e. the Auto Moderator will hide them if there have been more than 14 posts in the hour prior.

- name: Rate Limit posts in the feed
        - fact: rate_limit_posts
            over: 1 hour
            per: feed
          operator: greaterThan
          value: 14
    type: hide

In this example, you can see that the users and are only allowed to post 2 posts per hour before the Auto Moderator will begin taking action by hiding excess posts.

You can continue to list authors like this and they will all be subject to the rule.

The rate limit count will apply to each user's posts separately, so they are both allowed to post up to two times per hour.

- name: Rate Limit certain authors
      - fact: post_author_handle
        operator: in
      - fact: rate_limit_posts
          over: 1 hour
          per: author
        operator: greaterThan
        value: 2
    type: hide

fact: list_members

fact: list_members allows you to take action if a post's author is or is not in one of your Synced Lists. The rule below looks at a post in the feed, determines whether the author is in a given list (list number 5, in this case) and takes action based on that: in this case, requiring approval for that post.

- name: Require approval for people in a certain list
      - fact: list_members
          list_id: 5 # This is the BSFC id of your Synced List. You can only access lists Synced under your own account.
        operator: contains
          fact: post_author # post_author is the Bluesky DID, rather than the handle. Lists store DIDs so we are comparing like for like.
    type: require-approval

You can find the list_id required by opening your Synced List in BSFC:
../assets/Pasted image 20240818161844.png

Set Yourself Up for Success

Available Facts

There are a lot of facts available that you can use in your rules. Below is a table of some of the most useful ones. To see all available facts, you can look in your Auto Moderator Logs.

Fact Description Example
post_text Contains the entire text of the captured post We keep our cats indoors but they LOVE grass so we bring some in every now and then. Toni was particularly excited today 😂 #aotearoapets
post_author The internal Bluesky DID of the author. Doesn't change even if they change their handle. did:plc:4h4vxzyu7h3aedk4wz4mat2v
post_author_handle The Bluesky handle of the post author.
languages The languages of the captured post. en
labels A list of labels that have been applied to the post. nsfw
alt_text All the alt-text from all the images in a post. A silver tabby is standing on her hind legs, with one paw touching a woman's leg. She is holding a bundle of grass above the cat's head and the cat is staring at it with her tongue out.
embedded_link If a post has embedded a link card, the URL will be shown here.
has_images Does the post have at least one image. true
has_gif Does the post have an embedded GIF. true
raw_post_view Access the post's raw data from the Bluesky API. fact: raw_post_view
path: $.likeCount