Publishing Industry News
This feed searches for posts about book publishing industry news from approved list of users. Incl #BookIndustryNews hashtag. More info: https://blueskyfeedcreator.com/p/debbieohi.com/pubnews Interesting in helping me with this feed? Pls see info link 👆🏼
This custom feed searches through approved lists of users for specific hashtags and phrases like #BookIndustryNews. I also sometimes manually add publishing industry news I come across. I am actively seeking others who are willing to contribute book publishing industry news to this feed! But please read guidelines below, thanks.
Not sure if you can post to this feed? Check here 👇🏼
I try to regularly browse feed posts to hide any that accidentally make it through that are not directly related to the publishing industry (e.g. specific event promo etc). I have limited time, however, so apologies if I miss any.
This is a work in progress, so feel free to let me know of any specific hashtags I should be including. Thanks!
If you're on the approved contributor list (please check first! see link near the top of this post), reply to my pinned post to request that you be added, saying that you agree to the guidelines. Please make sure you have fully filled out your profile.
GUIDELINES (must agree before I add you to the Approved User list):
Please do NOT use the #BookIndustryNews hashtag for self-promo. Anyone who does this will be removed from the Approved Contributor list without warning.
Please ONLY use the #BookIndustryNews hashtag for posts about (surprise!) book industry NEWS. Ideally, provide a link to where people can verify your info.
Related Bluesky resources:
@zebydeb posts about UK writing awards/contests under #pubnews @pwkidsbookshelf posts about children's and YA books